石黒亜矢子 Ayako Ishiguro
Publisher: Xuanguang Society
Pages: 180P
Collection of over 200 works by painter Ayako Ishiguro. Ukiyo-e-style yokai paintings painted on panels and sliding doors, as well as many works exhibited in solo exhibitions.
[About the author]
Ishiguro Ayako
His works include "Heisei Edition の奇図录" (マガジンハウス), "ばけねこぞろぞろ" (あけね书室), "いもうとかいぎ" (published by ビリケン), "おおきなねことちいさいねこ" (Hao Xuesha), "えとえ とがっせん” (published by WAVE), etc.
He also worked on illustrations for Natsuhiko Kyogoku (Kodansha)'s "Tofu Monk Sorokudō Nakaふりだし" and Machida Yuki (Kodansha)'s "Modern Version Emoto Oka Soko Tsukisangshin".
In addition, he is actively holding solo exhibitions in Japan. This work is in preparation.
收藏了畫家石黒亜矢子的 200 多幅作品。 畫在面板和推拉門上的浮世繪風妖怪畫作,以及在個展中展出的眾多作品。
他的著作包括『平成版 物の怪図録』(マガジンハウス)、『ばけねこぞろぞろ』(あかね書房)、『いもうとかいぎ』(ビリケン出版)、『おおきなねことちいさなねこ』(好学社)、『えとえとがっせん』(WAVE出版)等。
他還為京極夏彥(講談社)的『豆腐小僧双六道中ふりだし』和町田幸(講談社)的『現代版 絵本御伽草子付喪神』進行插圖工作。
此外,他還積極在日本舉辦個展。 這項工作正在準備中。
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